Here are the key focus areas and their drivers incorporated in the Developer Experience Framework:

Theme Description
Manager Support Refers to the level of assistance, guidance, and resources provided by managers or team leads to support developers in their work
Empathy The ability to understand and relate to developers, actively listen, and show compassion in interactions.
Coach & Guide The role of managers in providing expertise, advice, and support to help developers improve their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve career goals.
Feedback The ability to provide timely and constructive feedback on performance, skills, and growth areas helping developers gain insights, refine their skills, and work towards achieving their career objectives.
Developer Flow Refers to a state of optimal engagement and productivity that developers experience when they are fully immersed and focused on their work.
Work-Life Balance Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work responsibilities and personal life promotes well-being, boundaries, and resources for managing workload effectively.
Autonomy Providing developers with the freedom and independence to make decisions, set goals, and determine their approach and execution of tasks.
Focus Time The dedicated periods of uninterrupted work where developers can deeply concentrate on their tasks without distractions or interruptions.
Goals Setting clear objectives that provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose in developers' work, enhances their overall experience and productivity.
Product Management Refers to the practices involved in overseeing the lifecycle of a software product, from ideation to development, launch, and ongoing management.
Clear Requirements Providing developers with precise and unambiguous specifications, ensuring clarity, reducing ambiguity, and enabling them to meet the expectations of stakeholders and end-users.
Reasonable Timelines Setting achievable and realistic project deadlines, allowing developers ample time to complete tasks without undue pressure or unrealistic expectations.
Collaborative Discussions Fostering open communication among developers, product managers, and stakeholders, enabling constructive discussions to align product strategies, share ideas, and resolve issues.
Development & Releases Refers to creating and deploying software solutions or updates, emphasizing collaboration, streamlined workflows, and reliable deployment to enhance the developer experience.
Tools & Technology Providing developers with the necessary software tools, frameworks, and technologies to facilitate their work in creating and deploying software solutions
Code Reviews Evaluating code changes for quality, adherence to standards, and identifying issues to enhance software quality and promote collaboration among developers.
Code Health Involves activities like code refactoring, performance optimization, and enforcing best practices to ensure code quality, maintainability, and efficiency, thereby enhancing the developer experience and software longevity.
Frictionless Releases Streamlining software deployment through automation, standardized procedures, and effective coordination, reducing errors and delays for a seamless and efficient process that enhances the developer experience.
Culture & Values Refers to shared beliefs, norms, and principles that shape a positive work environment. It includes collaboration, open communication, respect, innovation, diversity, and inclusion, fostering creativity, productivity, and satisfaction among developers.
Psychological Safety
Creating an environment where developers feel safe to express their opinions, take risks, and share their ideas without fear of judgment or negative consequences.
Recognition Acknowledging and appreciating developers' contributions and achievements through meaningful recognition, fostering a positive and motivating environment that boosts morale and engagement.
Team Collaboration Fostering open communication, trust, and knowledge sharing among developers, enabling seamless collaboration, and idea exchange, and leveraging strengths to achieve common goals
Learning & Growth Continuous learning and professional development, offering skill-enhancing opportunities, encouraging a growth mindset, fostering curiosity and innovation, and supporting career progression.